Saturday, August 27, 2011

Designing a Web Presence

Understanding web presence is like riding a bike; it is hard to grasp at first but once you understand the mechanics behind it you are flying.

Below is a diagram of the best practice steps towards creating a web presence for your business. This is one of the processes we will cover at our Learn + Do Online Marketing Series. Additionally at the series, we will not only explain what steps you need to take, but walk you through them in the session right then and there. If you like what you read and want to know more about the series call us at 519-265-4933 or email us at

Designing a Web Presence looks something like this:

The first step of creating a web presence is narrowing down your focus point; what do you want your company to be known for? To go about this, pick 5 words that you want your company to be found for when people are searching online (these will be your keyword groups). These words can be any of the different services or products your company has to offer.

For example, a sporting goods store may have the following keyword groups: tennis, running, hockey, baseball and Underarmour (if you carry a specific brand you can make this into a keyword group too). Make sure whatever you choose for your keyword groups that you have matching content on your website so you are not leading people to your site looking for something that you do not offer.

Then within each of these groups, create tightly related keywords (try and have at least 5 keywords in each group). For the sporting goods store and the tennis keyword group it may look like this:
Tennis Gear
Tennis Shoes
Tennis Racquets
Tennis Apparel
Tennis Balls
The next thing to do is to create a Google Profile (you must have a Google account in order to create a listing). With the majority of people moving away from Yellow Pages and towards Google to find local businesses it is important to have a listing. To create a Google Profile simply Google "Google Places", click on the appropriate link and follow the steps - it is easy. Below is an example of Intrigue's Google Profile.

The next step is to add Google Analytics into your business' website. Google Analytics is a tracking program that shows data from your site such as how many people come to your site, how many pages were viewed, and how long the average viewer is on your website. Google Analytics can give you good insight on how your website is being used and what pages need work. To sign up for Google Analytics, once again Google "Google Analytics" and follow the steps.

Below is an example of the kind of information Google Analytics has to offer.

After you add Google Analytics, wait about a month to allow the software to collect data for you. After 30 days it is time to analyze your information. For example, if the average time on a page is less than you expect, review the content on the page. Ask yourself questions like "Is the proper information displayed on this page?" or "Should I add visual aids on the page to increase engagement?"

Once you analyze all the results and make the adjustments, wait another time period and get ready to refine your strategy. Marketing is very much based on experimentation. One must consistently try new things until you find what works.

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Getting New Customers - Balancing Advertising with Search Marketing

There is no question that times have changed and advertising is not what it used to be. That said, we now have an opportunity to do things differently. So, how do we do that?

In order for us to have a well balanced Marketing Plan, we need to combine Advertising with Search Marketing. Traditional Advertising such as Newspapers, Magazines, and Radio can help with this, but they are expensive and not as cost effective as they once were. The Intrigue Video Network is a great way to maintain a cost effective visual presence in your community.

Yellow Pages and other Directory Pages used to be the only way for someone to seek out a product or service locally. This is definitely the area with the most drastic change over the last 5 - 10 years. Google is the number one way people look for what they should purchase. 88% of Canadians reported starting their Christmas Shopping Online in 2010. Therefore, being found on Google is critical for acquiring new customers. It should also be noted that 98% of searchers do not go past the first page of search results.

Google Places and Google Adwords are great ways to create visibility on the first page of Google searches related to your business. One of the most powerful tools available to local businesses today is Google Analytics. This tool gives you the ability to track what online initiatives are bringing you qualified traffic and eventually sales. We now live in a world where we can bring accountability to our ad dollars!

There are thousands of videos on the three Google Tools we referenced above for you to watch and learn. If you would like an expert to help you with these initiatives, give us a call and we can discuss how that might happen.

Intrigue Media, Connect With Us!

What do you want people to Google?

What do you want people to Google?

Local Consumers have more information available for them to make decisions with today than ever before. Online reviews give consumers a chance to hear what others have to say about places around the city before even looking at the store front.

Google generates 3 billion searches every day, and 20% of searches are for local business.

So the question becomes, “What do you want people to Google?”

Of course, we can implement some Search Engine Optimization tactics and make our website get found for some search terms, but what if we could get local consumers to Google our business name instead of a general term describing our products and services.

For example, what if instead of “Tile Restoration”, someone Googles, “Strassburger Tile Perfection” or instead of Restaurants Guelph, someone Google, “Artisanale Bistro”. The point here is that people are looking for something they are familiar with instead of looking within a competitive set. So now the questions becomes, “How do we become familiar with our target market?”

This answer obviously depends on the business. But the answer still remains the same; we need to get ourselves out there, in front of the people we want to come visit us. Newspapers, Magazines, Direct Mail, Radio, TV can all prove to be expensive and do not have the same effect as they did 10 years ago.

So, alternatives are necessary in order for us to communicate cost effectively within a local community.

Intrigue’s TV Network provides local and regional businesses with the most cost effective visibility in the tri-cities. For $300, the price of a small ad in a newspaper for one day, you can have a High Definition Video playing every 20 minutes for a an entire month in up to 15 high traffic, local consumer environments in your community.

Visit to find out more about where you can have your message played and who you can play it in front of.

Intrigue Media, Connect With Us!

Updating a Website

To Update or Not To Update, That is the Website Question

In this article:

1. Website Marketing
2. What is Google +1?
3. Launching a New Website

Website Marketing

With the increasing popularity of online searching, websites have become more important than ever. Unlike in the olden days, consumers are now able to get a first impression of your business without even touching your door step. With websites, there is little opportunity to demonstrate excellent customer service to sway your consumers into purchasing.

The harsh reality is if a consumer goes to your website and is turned off by what they see, they will not come to your store. It is important that your website be engaging and catches the consumer’s eye. The website should represent your business in an appealing manner to get them to want to come to your store for further inquiries and hopefully a purchase.

Now, back when websites first started we all got lucky and had some friend or family member do us a favour and build us a website. The problem is, that it is five years later and we still cannot change the content on our front page, or replace that outdated picture. As online searching continues to grow, it is essential that your business grow with it and that includes updating your website. Your website should be a current representation of your business – not what it was five years ago.

Now, once you have taken the leap and updated your website (or purchased a new one) you can begin to let people know about it and start advertising. The question is, “how”? No matter what you are pushing out, whether it is a website, product, or service, it is ideal to have a well rounded marketing strategy which includes both online and offline promotion.

What is Google +1?

You may already know about some of the many ways one can drive traffic to a website (Facebook, Twitter, AdWords) but it is important to keep your eyes open for new online tools. One of the newest services on the market is Google’s +1 button. I am sure many of us have heard about this new feature lately but are unfamiliar about what exactly it is. Google’s +1 button is similar to Facebook’s like button in the fact that it lets people recommend web content to their online community right when it is most needed – when they are on Google Search looking for something they need. According to Google, 90% of consumers online trust recommendations from people they know. By having +1 on your website, it can lead to more and better qualified traffic since people might see your website as a personalized recommendation from one of their contacts. People are more likely to click on a search result if it is personally relevant to them. To find out how to get +1 on your website click here.

Launching a New Website

Offline marketing, such as video advertising, is also a great way to promote your website and is often recommended as the first step in your campaign. Remembering a website URL is much easier than a phone number or address so use this to your advantage. Whether it is through a video, ad in the paper, ad on a bus etc. try and direct people to your new and improved website for a chance to build a stronger connection between your business and them.

A successful website re-launch should follow a process similar to the one below:
People should see ads about your website and business out in the community.
They will visit your site on their phone or go home and visit your website and build the initial impression.
They experience your website and find information & value about what they are looking for. You design the site so that it captures information about your visitors. Click Here to see how Online Marketing Works.
If they like what they see they will go and physically visit your business or connect with you.
From there, it is all up to you to convert that visit into a sale.
Intrigue Media is here to help our clients do just that, turn viitors into sales. We do this by bringing qualified potential customers to our client’s businesses. Visit our website and start building your impression of us! If you like what you see, give us a shout or send us an email so we can begin to see whether or not we can help you accomplish your marketing and sales goals.

All the best to You and Yours,
The Team @ Intrigue Media :)

Visit to find out more about where you can have your message played and who you can play it in front of.

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